Master’s course description
Mandatory (6 credits each)– According to curricular structure
Group 1
MTM410019 Linear Algebra
MTM410024 Computational Linear Algebra
Group 2
MTM410034 Ordinary Differential Equations
MTM410020 Complex Variable
Group 3
MTM410035 Partial Differential Equations
MTM410028 Numerical Analysis I
MTM331200 Linear Programming
MTM410027 Measure and Integration
MTM330400 Algebraic Structures
MTM410026 Topology
MTM331000 Differential Geometry
MTM410057 Dynamical Systems
MTM410056 Non-Linear Programming
MTM410071 Finite Groups and their Representations
MTM410073 Mathematical Methods for Statistics
Group 4
MTM410039 Operator Algebras
MTM410051 Differentiable Manifolds
MTM410052 Algebraic Topology
MTM410053 Probability and Markov Processes
MTM410055 Symbolic Dynamics
MTM410064 Ergodic and Information Theory
MTM410038 Distribution Theory and Sobolev Spaces
MTM410037 Numerical Analysis II
MTM410036 Introduction to Hopf Algebras
MTM410030 Theory of Non Commutative Rings
MTM410048 Corings and Comodules
MTM410040 Convex Analysis
MTM410082 Fibers in Differentiable Manifolds
MTM410068 Commutative Algebra
MTM410066 Introduction to Regularization Theory
MTM410070 Introduction to Category Theory
MTM410081 Mathematical Modeling Biomathematics
Specialized Topics